Friday 1 April 2016

Activity 2: Write two movie riddles. Use this model:


Title: ____"The Pursuit of Happyness______________

It´s a _______dramatic___________________________ ( Genre)
 It takes places in ___new york___________________________________( Setting)
 ____________________Will Smith _____________ is in it (Name of actor or actress)
 It´s about __Dad with his son faced advercidades due to probresa happened to them._____________________________________________ (plot)
In the end___Dad finds a job and are happy.__________________________________________ (climax)

Title: ___________________I am legend ________________________________
It´s a _____________________Horror, science fiction._________________________ ( Genre)
 It takes places in _____________New York City_________________________( Setting)
 _____________________Will Smith____________ is in it (Name of actor or actress)
 It´s about __________________Fighting to stay alive._____________________________ (plot)

In the end______________Loneliness_______________________________ (climax)

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