Wednesday 21 September 2016


This work is a student who goes to a party and meets a girl and falls for her. But this girl does not seenamora of why this love with another. The student approaches her to dance together but I just want to ask you a red rose in exchange for dancing. Esro it is impossible since that time no rojas.El garden roses student will find a red rose but can not find a nightingale but sees the bird to help him. finally not find the flower. Only the girl excites the student.

Main characters

It is very arrogant and evil because it gives hope to the student knowing that she does not want.
Beautiful average height with long hair pots.
Resultado de imagen para chica animada con vestido

Depressive since it depresses not find a red rose. amorous.
Tall, short hair.
Resultado de imagen para chico  animado

Charitable since pities the student to see him worried.
green, feathery.

Wednesday 29 June 2016


The Alchemist is an easy story with a deep message. It is a message to follow your heart and search for your dreams. The book is about a young man named Santiago who lives in Spain and works as a shepherd. He begins to have strange dreams so he goes to a Gypsy to find out what they mean. The Gypsy tells him that he needs to go to the Egyptian pyramids to find his treasure. Of course he does not believe her. But later he meets another person who tells him the same thing. At last Santiago decides to give up his life as a shepherd and go find his treasure.
Santiago encounters many problems as he goes on his journey. He meets many people and learns a lot along the way. He also learns to listen to and trust the Soul of the World. Does he ever find his treasure? And why is the book called The Alchemist? I can't tell you. You will have to read the book if you want to find out.
The Alchemist was originally written in Portuguese by Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian author. It has been translated into many languages, including, of course, English. It is a good book for people who are learning English because most of the sentences are fairly short and you will recognize a lot of the vocabulary. There are definitely words you will not know at first, but with a little patience and study you should be able to finish (and maybe enjoy) the book. They say patience is a virtue whether you are learning English or trying out new catfish fishing lures for the first time. This book is a great choice for readers learning the English language. And hopefully you will be able to follow your dreams as well.

Questions and Answers
1. The Alchemist is a book about following your dreams.
2. Santiago takes care of cows.
3. A Gypsy is from Egypt.
 True4. Santiago has a lot of problems as he looks for his treasure.
5. The author of the book is from Brazil.
6. The author wrote the book in English.
7. The book has only easy English words.

Activities for June 8th

Hansel and Gretel

Activity 1
Answer these questions in English
a) Who are Hansel and Gretel?
They are two brothers who leave them in the forest and are kidnapped by an evil witch.
b) How does the story start?
Hansel and Gretel were children of a woodcutter. The family was so poor that the mother persuades the father to abandon the children in the forest, because it had no way to feed them. It leaves them in the woods, but Hansel stones mark the path home. They return, and the next day the father takes even so far, but Hansel, lucid, redials the way. The third day the woodcutter leads to the heart of the forest itself. Hansel marks the way, this time with breadcrumbs, but quickly warns that the birds have eaten. The brothers spend two days wandering through the woods, until they find a house built with sugar, candy and gingerbread. They begin to devour the walls.

Activity 2
Watch the video and listen to the story if you have headphones or read the subtitles in English.

Activity 3
Look at these pictures and write a description in English for each one of them.
*There was Hansel and Gretel hoping to return her parents and lost in the woods.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

March 23rd- Activity 3- Movie review

1. Read the film review.
A) Film review
The Theory of Everything
Biographical drama, 2014
The Theory of Everything is about the scientist Stephen Hawking. The film is based on a book, ‘Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen’ by his wife, Jane Wilde Hawking. The film is set in England and starts in the early 1960s. It tells the story of Hawking’s relationship with Jane, the diagnosis of his motor neuron disease and his success as a physicist. I love the acting in this film. Eddie Redmayne stars as Hawking and Felicity Jones plays the role of Jane. My favourite character is Stephen Hawking because he is very clever and brave. I think this is an ideal film for people who like true stories. It is a bit sad at times but the story is very interesting and there is a lot of action. I give The Theory of Everything ★★★★Really good!
★★★★. Go and watch it soon!
 ★★★★★Fantastic! ★★★★Really good! ★★★ OK ★★ Bad ★ Terrible!

B:Does the writer answer all these questions? Check and tick (✓) 
________1. What is the title of the film? 
________2. What genre is it? 
________3. What is it about? 
________4. Is it based on a book? 
___    _____5. Where is the film set? 
________6. When is the film set? 
________7. Who stars in the film? 
________8. Who plays the main role(s)? 
________9. Who is your favourite character in the film? (Why?)
________10.What kind of person would like this film?

C:Follow the steps to write your own film review.
1. Think of a film you have watched.
2-Write a review.

Well this film about two young people who meet in a center reabilitacion based on emfermedades these two Hazel and John Greein guys fall in love but can not be together because the dies a emfermedad but she lives but just runs out but still with his emfermedad cancer.
Very good movie-must see her.

Friday 1 April 2016

Activity 2: Write two movie riddles. Use this model:


Title: ____"The Pursuit of Happyness______________

It´s a _______dramatic___________________________ ( Genre)
 It takes places in ___new york___________________________________( Setting)
 ____________________Will Smith _____________ is in it (Name of actor or actress)
 It´s about __Dad with his son faced advercidades due to probresa happened to them._____________________________________________ (plot)
In the end___Dad finds a job and are happy.__________________________________________ (climax)

Title: ___________________I am legend ________________________________
It´s a _____________________Horror, science fiction._________________________ ( Genre)
 It takes places in _____________New York City_________________________( Setting)
 _____________________Will Smith____________ is in it (Name of actor or actress)
 It´s about __________________Fighting to stay alive._____________________________ (plot)

In the end______________Loneliness_______________________________ (climax)

-Guess the name of the movie

1. In his hand he holds a list which will save thousands of lives.
a. The Bucket List
b. The List
c. Schindler’s List                    
d. Haunted List

2. How romantic it is to have a love letter a day—that’s for 365 days not just a week.
a. The Notebook
b. 365 Days of Summer
c. Love Letters
d. Message in a Bottle

3. He is everybody’s super hero. He’s not a plane and, definitely, he’s not a bird.
a. X-Men
b. Superman
c. Iron Man
d. The Incredibles

4.First, second, third, fourth, fifth, most us have five senses, but not everyone has the sixth.
a. The Sixth Sense
b. The Eye
c. Close Encounters of the Third Kind  
d. The Fourth Kind

5.In this place, history comes alive every night. Make sure you review your history before going in.
a. Toy Story
b. Night at the Museum
c. Wax Museum
d. National Treasure

6. Enter the world of these four fashionable and fabulous ladies. Despite their glamour, they also experience challenges every normal woman experience.

a. The Devil Wears Prada
b. Project: Runway
c. Sex and the City
d. Now and Then

7. This journey will take you to the far north where an important Christmas icon is said to live.
a. The Hogwarts Train
b. The Polar Express
c. The Wizard of Oz
d. The Ride

8. In the year 1912, it sank under the ocean, it took lives, it shattered dreams
a. The Poseidon Adventure
b. The Love Boat
c. Titanic
d. Pirates of the Caribbean

9 You wouldn’t want to be alone on Christmas, but this kid has a way of getting through it alone
a. Home Alone
b. Spy Kids
c. Little Rascals
d. The Good Son

10. She’s moving forward; he’s moving backwards. How can their love story be possible?
a. Somewhere in Time
b. The Curious Case of B.B.
c. Time Traveller’s Wife

11 She brought music and light to a family that will later be hers
a. Sister Act
b. The Nanny
c. The Sound of Music
d. Nanny McPhee

12. Two people in love but unsure of themselves, so they decided to meet again at Empire State Building.
a. An Affair to Remember
b. Meet Me in St.Louis
c. Love is a Many Splendored Thing